As a result of our global coverage, one of the most popular strategies our client pursues is a China Plus One (C+1) Sourcing Strategy. This strategy is not new but has become much more important in recent years due to tariffs, global political challenges, and the pandemic. Its key lies in conducting a multi-country vendor search to find other competitive markets that meet your quality and production requirements either as an alternative or backup to China. The goal here is to reduce the risk of over relying on a single country for sourcing and manufacturing.

Our role is to facilitate this process and ensure your parts and products are produced at a competitive rate and with an appropriate level of quality assurance. We work together with you to find the right supplier in the right country and then structure the relationship to ensure the best possible relationship stability and product quality in your China Plus One supply chain.

At EDS International, our main objective with our is to empower your business with the knowledge, expertise, and support necessary to strategically diversify your supply chain, mitigate risks, optimize costs, access new markets, enhance flexibility, and tap into local expertise.

We aim to guide you in navigating the complexities of expanding operations to multiple countries, enabling you to establish resilient supply chains, capitalize on emerging business opportunities, and achieve long-term success in an increasingly dynamic and competitive global landscape.

Our Global Network Provides Viable Alternatives and Comprehensive Supply Chain Management Solutions!

Learn more about each manufacturing country below.

Looking to Avoid US-China Tariffs and Supply Chain Disruptions?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact us

We can source any type of product from commodity items to customized parts and components. However, our main areas of expertise are industrial parts and components. Check our products and projects section to see some examples.

Do you represent any factory or manufacturer?

We are a supplier-independent global sourcing company, and we never take commission from manufacturers. Our mission is to find your ideal supplier and ensure they deliver according to your specs and requirements. We act as your overseas purchasing office and quality department on every deal.

Is China the only country you source from?

We have cultivated a strong on-the-ground presence, fostering local language proficiency and cultural insight in key regions including Taiwan, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, and the United States. As our network continuously grows, if your desired alternative to China is not listed above, we are committed to transparently discussing our capabilities and limitations to work collaboratively with you.

I am a startup company and need to develop a new product. How can you help me?

We can support you from the initial concept stage through to prototyping and eventually oversee mass production. We have a qualified team of R&D, product development engineers, and product optimization engineers who can help you to bring your new ideas to life.

Do you have a catalog of the products you source?

We are not a trading company and do not specialize in the sale of specific consumer products or commodities. Our core expertise lies in supply chain and procurement outsourcing, with a dedicated focus on sourcing and developing products tailored to the unique specifications of each client within emerging markets. Learn more about our services here

What kind of businesses do you work with?

We collaborate with a diverse range of businesses, spanning from small enterprises to multinational corporations, seeking to acquire goods and services from emerging markets either for export purposes or to support their local operations.

How is confidential information protected?

In the initiation of any partnership, the initial protocol involves the execution of a legally binding non-disclosure agreement. Through this agreement, both parties commit to refraining from the sale or disclosure of confidential information pertaining to our client's products.

We access the companies we work with, and ensure that all signed a non-disclosure agreement.

How much is your procurement service fee?

We provide a scalable service fee based on each client's purchasing volume which can either be calculated as a percentage of order value or as a fixed product price.

How can I get started?

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Please ensure to provide as much information about your product including but not limited to specifications, drawings, monthly or annual volume and packaging details. The more detailed information you provide, the faster we can move forward with your required services and help you reduce your costs.

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