Global Product Sourcing

The rate of globalization along with recent developments due to COVID-19 have complicated global product sourcing, procurement, and product development projects. As a result, a global sourcing company can be utilized to decide on the right market to manufacture your OEM products, parts, and components and to find a supplier that meets your exact requirements. Asian Sourcing from countries such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, India, or other developing countries is a time- and resource-intensive activity that not every business can afford to complete on its own.

EDS International is a sourcing partner that steps in to make the process easier and be your eyes and ears on the ground for global product sourcing. We have been a global sourcing company and procurement agent for over 40 years. We originally focused on China and Asian suppliers in the 1980s and have gradually expanded our expertise into other developing countries around the world. We are keenly aware of how important a China +1 Strategy has become for most businesses.

We have continued to develop and grow our global product sourcing team and now have a network of international sourcing engineering specialists and offices in other developing countries in Asia and beyond. We also have a sourcing company in the USA that can handle all of your local and international sourcing requirements. We work locally as your sourcing partner to find a supplier and procurement solution that best suits your needs while reducing production costs and proactively managing quality control risks. Whether it’s Asian sourcing or a sourcing company in the USA that you are looking for, we have the technical and engineering experts to meet your needs.

Our Network


EDS International provides bespoke sourcing and procurement services in the following locations:


EDS Sourcing Differentiators

If your goal is to find a global sourcing company with an on-the-ground presence and expertise in China and the rest of Asia, look no further. We have a proven methodology that can be tailored to your specific Asian sourcing needs, whether your products and parts come from China or other Asian suppliers in Vietnam, Thailand and India, etc.

The first step is to understand your core requirements to make informed decisions about production location and import requirements. We can assess your potential or new suppliers on-site and provide detailed reports on their:

  • General operations
  • Quality systems
  • Qualifications
  • Capabilities

If required, EDS also acts as a procurement outsourcing service provider for your Asian suppliers. This entails locating and managing your entire supplier base.

We assess supplier performance and proactively solve issues in a timely and cost-effective manner. EDS International’s Asian sourcing specialists:

  • document existing issues and requirements
  • audit the supplier’s facility
  • analyze their operating conditions
  • create a corrective action report.

We even guide the supplier through the successful completion of these actions where required. We pride ourselves on making the design, development, and import of goods from Asian suppliers as transparent as possible for our clients.

At EDS, we do not prescribe to a one-size-fits-all approach but rather in close collaboration determine the correct strategic procurement strategy for each of our clients. Together we choose the right market through analyzing products and materials, country capacity, and raw material origin. Our goal is to:

  • find the right suppliers,
  • meticulously manage them through continuous improvement, and
  • re-evaluate the purchasing strategy periodically.

China PLUS ONE Strategy

As a result of our global coverage, one of the most popular strategies our client pursues is a China PLUS ONE Sourcing Strategy. This strategy is not new but has become much more important in recent months due to tariffs, global political challenges, and COVID-19. Its key lies in conducting a multi-country vendor search to find other competitive markets that meet your quality and production requirements either as an alternative or backup to China.

Our role is to facilitate this process and ensure your parts and products are produced at a competitive rate and with an appropriate level of quality assurance. We work together with you to find the right supplier in the right country and then structure the relationship to ensure the best possible relationship stability and product quality in your China PLUS ONE supply chain. Our sourcing company in the USA can also take care of all of your sourcing requirements in the Americas.

Supply Chain Diversification

Next to China, our sourcing specialists can also find your ideal supplier in Malaysia, Indonesia, IndiaThailandVietnamTaiwan, the USA and Mexico. Considering the current uncertain climate of trade between China and the US, associated tariffs, and the effects of COVID-19 on the global supply chain and China in particular, supply chain diversification has never been more critical.

EDS International is well equipped and experienced to guide clients through this process and propose competitive yet high-quality alternatives for an existing Chinese supplier base. Importing goods from countries other than China can reduce risk and costs and prepare your organization for the global challenges that may lie ahead in today’s dynamic trade environment. Contact us for more information or to discuss your supply chain diversification ideas.


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